The Natasha Crain Podcast
The Natasha Crain Podcast
19. The Homelessness Crisis from a Biblical Perspective with Bryan Crain
There is a crisis of homelessness happening across the country, and many Christians wonder what can and should be done. This is an important question because not all attempts at helping the homeless are equally beneficial nor are they equally consistent with a biblical worldview. Bryan Crain, Chief Operating Officer of the Orange County Rescue Mission, joins me to discuss what helping the homeless looks like from a biblical worldview perspective, how that compares to secular homeless program models (such as "housing first"), and takes a variety of questions about homelessness submitted by my podcast listeners online. (Bryan also happens to be my husband!) If you've ever wondered how to help the homeless you pass by on the streets, this is an episode not to miss.
- Orange County Rescue Mission (OCRM):
- Video from OCRM graduation (includes several stories of graduates):
- Directory of Gospel Rescue Missions nationwide:
- Donate to OCRM:
Recommended books:
- When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
- Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton